1 Stop Lending Vs Competition

Why Choose 1-Stop

Our number priority is YOU, our valued client. What separates our company from the 1000s of other lending companies out there is that we provide some of the best rates in the market place without sacrificing our level of customer service to our clients. We are available after normal business hours and on the weekends so that you always have the ability to have your questions answered whenever YOU need.


1 Stop Lending



Smaller Brokerage, family owned, low overhead. Savings passed on to clients in the form of LOWER RATES AND FEES. We DO NOT Charge any misc junk fees like processing, admin or application charges.   We do not have any up front fees or out of pocket expenses.


More overhead= more costs. Clients pay for it with higher rates and fees. Competition charges for Processing, administration, application aka JUNK FEES. Larger lenders sometimes charge clients a fee up front.

We are always available. After hours, weekends, text, email, anytime. We know that our clients have careers and sometimes need service during irregular times and we make sure to be available for them. We are with them every step of the way.


We also have loan options others lenders do not.  We have investor financing with alternative documentation options, private money to lend as well as over 110+ lenders to choose from.  We will work tirelessly to find the best loan for YOU.


Regular banking hours. M-F, 9-5. Good luck receiving a call or text on a Sunday when submitting an offer to purchase a home loan. Other lender’s biggest complaint from clients: “I can never get a hold of my loan officer.”


Also, working with a single bank means you are limited to their guidelines and their underwriting.  If you do not meet that criteria, your loan is declined with no backup options.

Working directly with ownership. We always offer our best the first time. There is no back and forth haggling. We let the client make the decision, not pressure them into one.


Loan officers with management have to hit numbers/quotas. They are desperate to make a sale, not only to make a commission, but to perform to the high expectations of the ownership or risk losing their job.

We offer honest and accurate advice. We never allow a commission sway our judgment. If a loan does not make sense, we will tell our clients.


Sometimes offer unsound advice. Advertised rates come back with undisclosed high fees or the rate changes. A high pressure sales environment sometimes forces loan officer to make a bad decision just to make a sale.

Nearly two decades in the industry. You are not working with new hires with little to no experience. We are knowledgeable and clients can rest assured the information provided is accurate.


With the recent refi and housing boom. Lenders are hiring anyone/everyone to handle all the business. This leads to inexperienced loan officers new to the business speaking to home owners.

We want to thank our clients for their business and thank those for even the opportunity to earn their business. We send Thank You, birthday cards, magazine gift subscriptions. Our goal is to make each and every person we speak to a CLIENT FOR LIFE.


Turn and burn through clients. They are only concerned about the next deal. They do not feel appreciated. They never heard from the loan officer after the close.

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